Monday, January 19, 2009


I have tried to get these videos uploaded straight to blogspot, to no avail.

To see Hannah's fabulous performance (pun intended) and the kids reaction to their Christmas present, click here...

Sunblock:  $8
Underwater cameras:  $30
A week on the Disney Magic with 20 members of your family:  Priceless

Thanks, again, Grandma Connie for making it all possible!  :)

P.S.  I promise I'm not a scary stage-mom like I sound in Hannah's video!


Reese said...

We seriously need to get Hannah and Emma together......we got HSM Sing It for the Wii and have had some very "memorable" performances happening around here as well.
p.s. I just watched your Christmas morning video and it was HILARIOUS! (Although I might take your kids genius status down a few notches after seeing their word scramble skills)
I am still jealous that you all got to go this year......I will just have to bask in your glowing skin in lieu of any actual sunshine.

Becky said...

Hannah would love it...I see a duet at a Primary Talent Show in their future! :)

I also couldn't believe how long it took them to unscramble the puzzle. I was SOOO worried that they would get it too easily! They typically have Wheel of Fortune puzzles solved long before the contestants!