Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So, I've given up on the summer recap.  I seem to be much busier than I dreamed when Rachel got on the school bus!  However, I can't let a couple of milestones pass without their mention.

July brought Timothy's 12th birthday.  A big deal for a young man in the LDS Church.  What a difference the priesthood has made in his life (at least on Sundays).  He loves passing the Sacrament and takes it seriously.  Somehow, helping with this ordinance each week has helped his behavior in general during the rest of the meeting.  All of the sudden I have a peacemaker on my hands versus the one throwing the punches.  May it last...

Along with receiving the priesthood, he has also been able to attend the temple twice already.  Trevor and I were able to go with him on his first trip.  What a blessing it is for these kids to be able to get away from the world and enter a place of such peace.

September 11th had new meaning for us this year.  8 years ago on this day we brought home our first baby girl (on the first anniversary of that horrible day).  I remember the nurse coming into my room that morning and instructing, "Don't even turn on your TV this morning.  This is to be a happy day for you." And it was.  It was so again this year as that same daughter experienced a rebirth of sorts as she entered the waters of baptism.  Thank you to all of our "family" that came to support her.  We really feel blessed to have you in our lives!  The spirit was so strong at the service and I know Hannah felt the same as she was so overcome with emotion and couldn't explain why.  It has been interesting to watch her sensitivity to the spirit since that day.  She truly has been given a gift.

Speaking of gifts, my ever-so-talented-friend Sharese made Hannah's dress for the special occasion.  I thought I was going to be able to pull it off myself.  When I quickly realized I wasn't going to be able to, she quickly (and willingly) came to my rescue and took care of things for me!  Thanks, Sharese.  I owe you BIG time!  

1 comment:

Savage said...

LOVE....the dress! Sharese is amazing! I am signing up now for her skills. I am so proud of timothy I can not believe he is 12...weird. I miss you, I wish I was there for all of your awesome milestones!