Monday, August 30, 2010

summer recap parte uno

That is "part one" for our English speaking friends...

Since now I actually have some uninterrupted time on my hands, I thought I would use some of it to document how we spent our summer this year.

Before a couple of days ago, the last post I wrote was about the Braves beating the prideful Cubs. That was soooooo last year's news. This year, Jonathan was actually drafted (I use the term very loosely) to the Cubs. Thank goodness there were new coaches and a completely new team. These coaches were kind and actually taught the boys to play hard and to be good sports!

They ended the season 14-0 and were runner-ups in the tournament. Jonathan was soooo mad they didn't win the tournament too. I'll admit I was a little bummed myself.

Collecting their "League Champions" t-shirts at the awards ceremony.

Jonathan even got some action behind the plate this year and loved every moment of it!

So this really my kid?!

The following photos represent what the girls did most of the season to keep themselves busy (when they weren't fighting with one another).

We are taking donations for her orthodontic work. I'm afraid it's going to break the bank.

Not quite sure what the tongue thing is all about but, quick, someone hand that girl a tissue!

Way to go Cubbies!!

1 comment:

Savage said...

You are so funny....I love the boogie nose! Your girls are looking so grown up in just a few months! Love the update