Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Serious ADD

I can't seem to keep focused on anything these days...including this blog.  I keep jumping from project to project, not really accomplishing anything.  I have a million photos to post and I'm sure even more stories to tell--I just can't seem to get focused long enough to land any of them here.


I promise.


Anonymous said...

I just made a post on my blog about me suffering from ADD too! It is hard to keep up. I will look forward to seeing some pictures and stories! :-) Hope all is well!

Lydia said...

I decided to focus this month on gratitude and not feeling guilty! No guilt allowed for something as silly as not posting on your blog! No partaking of guilt inducing substances (for instance, comparing myself to others and reading magazines that try to tell me what I "should" do!) It's been awesome, when I remember!
You are awesome, and ADD is a good excuse for being normal!